
What is Reiki Healing?
Reiki is pronounced Ray Key, a combination of two Japanese words Rei and Ki meaning universal life force energy.
Reiki is an ancient healing technique that uses this life force energy to heal and balance the subtle energies within our bodies. It is the imbalance of these energies that cause illness and distress. Like Crystal Healing, Reiki is holistic and works on all levels, physical, mental and spiritual; balancing and healing.
Reiki's life force energies flow through the practitioner's hands while they are touching or hovering above the recipient's (fully dressed) body, using the Reiki positions. The Reiki Therapist serves as a vehicle or channel that supplies the healing energy where it is most needed by the recipient.
Benefits of Reiki
Reiki is a pure and loving energy treatment that will leave you feeling relaxed. If you are feeling run-down or stressed reiki can help relax you and boost your energy levels
- Reiki can enhance the quality of life by giving a sense of peace and acceptance.
- Reiki restores balance in ones life and supports the bodies natural ability to heal itself.
- Reiki can help your body heal itself on all levels, physical, Mental, Spiritual, Emotional.
- Reiki treatments can also be given to animals.
Reiki Prices
First visit always an hour to have a casual chat about the healing needed
Depending on your circumstances I offer two differnent time slots
- 1/2 hr Treatment £25
- 1hr treatment £40
Reiki Attunements
Please see the events page for upcoming dates or contact us to find a mutual date.
Reiki I - First Degree Reiki with Reiki Master Maria Hewlett
This Reiki I course opens your natural healing channels, connects you to the highest healing frequencies currently being used on this planet and prepares you to work on yourself, family, friends and animals. It teaches you how to synergise your energies with universal life force and your clients energy.
Reiki II Attunements - Second Degree Reiki with Reiki Master Maria Hewlett
Healing Others Reiki II Okuden
Successful completion of both Reiki I and Reiki II will prepare existing therapists, or student therapists, to offer Reiki as part of their current body treatments or as a stand alone Reiki treatment.
Ongoing support is always available to student practitioners. I encourage all Reiki healers to keep in touch with me, so I can help with their progression and with their own spiritual pathway. These courses will be experiential and the focus will be on connecting to the energy and learning how to use it for yourself and others.
Reiki Master/Teacher
The joys of becoming a Reiki Master are many and you don't necessarily have to teach in order for the Master training to be useful. The additional healing energy, symbols, techniques and knowledge will add value to your healing abilities. Treating yourself, giving yourself and others healing attunements and treating others in person and at a distance will all be noticeably improved. The fact that you can pass Reiki on to friends and family is also a definite plus. Many take the Master training with just this in mind. However, if you decide to formally teach, you will be able to do so. As each person takes the Reiki Master training, and increases their personal vibration, this adds to the vibration of the whole planet!
One of the greatest joys of Reiki Mastership is teaching Reiki to others.
Please contact us to discuss Reiki Master/Teacher training.